Picture messaging is clearly very important in our daily lives. We decided that it was essential to include picture messaging in any text app we created. And Voila!!! We did. Here are a few tips:
2. How to receive picture messaging
In most cases, your friends can simply reply to one of your itim texts with a photo and you will get it. In certain situations, this might not work. Here's how to ensure that you definitely receive a picture sent to you.
1. First, make sure your friend save your @itim address (ex. john@itim.me) in their phone contacts under your name.
2. Next, your friend should create a new text/MMS message and add the photo
3. Send picture message to the contact they created for your @itim address. You will definitely get it.
4. OR..... they can simply reply to an itim text they received from you with the word "@photo". They will instantly receive an autotext which will ask them to reply with a photo. When they do, you will get the photo.